We supply fibers to the most important brake pads producers worldwide. Our aim is to constantly innovate both the production process and our range of products. With its mechanical and technological know-how, our research and development department works everyday to implement new products and alloys to meet our customers’ expectations.

Since the early years, all the machines for the production of metal fibers and wools have been completely designed and built by C.M.S., an internal division of the Group based in Italy. This technical know-how keeps our mechanical and technological equipment in constant evolution, granting the highest levels of productivity and quality.

Our laboratories constantly check all our fibers and wools during the production process, with both screen and volume analyses. The Quality Management System of the Group conforms to the UNI EN ISO 9001 standards. For us, green is not just part of our name, it’s the focal point of our mission: our commitment to reaching the highest standards of quality is based on a deep respect for the environment.